How do you change up your summer skincare routine every year? Why is it important to change it up each major season?
I have super sensitive skin that is greatly impacted by environmental changes such as the weather. Going into the summer months I think it is still so important to put a focus on hydration even though it’s not cold anymore The biggest change I make is to be more diligent about cleaning my skin thoroughly as the combination of sweat and makeup is not a cute one and using products such as lactic acid that will exfoliate my skin, removing dirt and dead skin cells. I use sunscreen every day all year round but I definitely reapply in the summer if I’m going to be outside a lot that day to protect my skin and help with antiaging!

Why is it important to you for beauty and haircare brands to be inclusive for all skin types, tones and concerns?
When it comes to inclusivity amongst beauty products I think the two things that have been lacking the most are inclusivity of different hair textures and makeup shades for various skin tones. Having curly hair myself I have often had to stick to brands that are strictly for curly hair but I do feel like larger brands have become more inclusive with their products over time like Aveda, Virtue Labs and Kerastase. There are also more brands specific for texture hair, like pattern beauty, that are so amazing now versus 25 years ago! For Make Up, as a biracial woman I still sometimes wont find a perfect colour match with a lot of brands however I do feel like the colour shades are becoming more diverse and expansive.

As someone who travels around North America frequently, how do you keep on top of your skincare routine and keep your skin looking youthful & healthy?
For my skin when I travel I prioritize 3 products. A hyaluronic acid, a gentle moisturizer, and sunscreen! I also take my makeup off and thoroughly wash my face every single night. Whether I’m at home or traveling, the basic steps of my skincare routine never get skipped.

What does it mean for you to love the skin you’re in?
There is nothing more beautiful than confidence! No matter what you look like, the most important part about beauty is what shines through! Taking care of yourself from the inside out to make yourself feel the most beautiful goes past putting on mascara and I think for women, feeling beautiful and loving the skin you’re in is so important!

What advice would you give Canadians who aren’t feeling confident in their skin?
I think it’s ok to sometimes not feel your most confident and to give yourself grace when you do feel that way. Focusing on the things that make me feel confident will sometimes help me get out of that funk whether it’s going for a workout, putting on a cute outfit or just spending time with people that make me feel good about myself. Confidence is a journey but I think just believing in yourself is a good place to start.