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Your Summer Skin

Skin Care and Self-Care with Elizabeth Chambers Hammer

Elizabeth Chambers Hammer with her daughter
Elizabeth Chambers Hammer with her daughter

Entrepreneur, CEO and founder of BIRD Bakery, mother, and world traveller — Elizabeth Chambers Hammer does it all while always making time to take care of herself and her skin. Read her thoughts on self-care, confidence, and summer skin care.

Mediaplanet: What advice do you have for younger individuals who may not have the confidence to embrace their own skin?

Elizabeth Chambers Hammer: Live in the moment and know that you are beautiful just the way you are. When I was younger, I was worried about breakouts and now I rarely have them — but now I stress about melasma and aging. It’s always going to be something and it’s easy to focus on the negative, but know that you notice so much more than other people and it sounds incredibly cliché, but true beauty radiates from the inside.

As an extremely busy entrepreneur, mother, and traveller, how do you manage to take time for yourself? Is it difficult to find time for self-care?

Elizabeth Chambers Hammer

It’s incredibly difficult to find time, but self-care is extremely important. I call it the oxygen mask theory — you can only take care of others when you care for yourself. I know that when I’m stressed about work and over-extended, my family, my employees and team, and those around me will not get the best version of me, so I make time for walks, massages, and dinners with friends. Whatever that “me” time is for you, make time for it.

What are your top tips for taking care of your skin in the summer months?

Sunscreen and hydration! I love a tan and there’s nothing I love more than being in the sun, but wear your SPF, keep your hat close, and drink water (not just rosé). 

Describe your ideal summer day!

Ideal? A dream day would be at the beach with everyone I love. Preferably on the Amalfi Coast! 

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