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Home » Wellness » Heart to Home Meals Brings Nutrition to Seniors

As we age, good nutrition becomes increasingly important to support the immune system, prevent illness, and ensure overall good health.

However, many older Canadians find it challenging to get adequate nutritional intake on their own. According to Statistics Canada, 24% of Canadian seniors skip meals and 47% have had an unintentional weight loss of more than five pounds in the last month.

Seniors’ nutritional needs are quite different from those of the younger population. Along with increased protein, calcium, fibre, and vitamins B6 and B12, they need extra vitamin D. “The best source of vitamin D is sunlight, but because some seniors might not go outside as much as they used to, especially in the wintertime, they’re often missing this critical vitamin,” says Andrea Olynyk, Consultant Dietitian to Heart to Home Meals, a seniors’ home delivery meal service.

According to Statistics Canada, 24% of Canadian seniors skip meals and 47% have had an unintentional weight loss of more than five pounds in the last month.

Having a varied menu of delicious, healthy meals delivered to the home is an easy way for seniors to ensure they get their essential nutrients, have an enjoyable meal to look forward to, and experience regular, positive social interaction — all of which enhance quality of life.

Heart to Home Meals believes that life should get easier as you age, and they make and deliver meals with this in mind. All the nutritional information is outlined in the menu and there are no contracts or obligations. Their friendly delivery drivers will even put meals in your freezer for you if you like. You have the opportunity to choose your own meals or order on behalf of a loved one, with options available to accommodate a variety of special diets.

What could be healthier or easier than ordering from Heart to Home Meals and having a variety of delicious and nutritious meals at your fingertips?

Andrea Olynyk

Ask Andrea: 3 Important Tips for Senior Nutrition

Andrea Olynyk
Consultant Dietitian, Heart to Home Meals

1. Seniors should aim to consume 1.2 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. That means if you weigh 70 kgs (154 lbs), you should have between 84 and 105 grams of protein daily.

2. As we age, we metabolize B vitamins differently — especially B12, which is responsible for red blood cell formation, optimal cognition, and nervous system stability. B12 is abundant in red meat, so eat up.

3. Many community-dwelling seniors aren’t getting the calories they require for optimal health for a variety of reasons. If you find you’re losing weight, add more calories to your meals.

Call Heart to Home Meals at 1-844-404-0145 or order online.

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