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Probiotics May Hold the Key to Achieving a Healthy Gut

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New International Microbiota Observatory survey shows a general lack in society’s gut health understanding but highlights expert support for the use of probiotics.

The gut may not be the first thing that comes to mind when we’re feeling anxious or uncomfortable, but prioritizing gastrointestinal health can be the most efficient way to tackle some of life’s common health concerns.


With between 70 and 80 per cent of our immune cells located in the gastrointestinal tract, maintaining a healthy gut can play a significant role in mitigating bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and even food intolerances. While these may not be the most glamorous topics, gut health impacts just about everyone. According to a recent international survey (International Microbiota Observatory) commissioned by the Biocodex Microbiota Institute, a nonprofit organization, and conducted by Ipsos, 50 per cent of respondents experienced intestinal or digestive disorders within the last five years, and a third noted experiencing conditions like gastroenteritis.

When you consider that the gut is home to over 100 trillion microorganisms, these statistics aren’t as shocking. Science suggests our gut likely holds the key to healthier living, however according to the same survey, while two thirds of us have heard of the microbiome, only a fifth know what it actually is. Societal understanding of critical gut features like flora, microbiome, and microbiota is lacking.

Understanding gut health

World Microbiome Day (June 27) offers the perfect opportunity to promote a better understanding of gastrointestinal health. Let’s break it down: our microbiome represents the overall genetic material making up the thousands of microorganisms (better known as microbiota) within our gut. Our microbiome dictates how these micro-organisms operate and function. Gut flora is the bacteria that lives inside the intestines, helping digest food.

The microbiome plays an important role in helping the gut deliver information to the brain, which, in turn, helps maintain a healthy immune system. A balanced gut microbiome can reduce common issues like bloating, but when gut flora becomes imbalanced, we can experience abdominal discomfort such as diarrhea. This process is called dysbiosis — a change in bacterial metabolic activities in the gut. It’s a term that only 28 per cent of study respondents were familiar with, yet one that will affect the vast majority at some point.  While dysbiosis can occur naturally, it can also be caused by antibiotics. Antibiotics can’t determine good bacteria from the bad, so by killing both, they attack the problem but can also create a gut flora imbalance, exacerbating discomfort and sometimes leading to antibiotic-associated diarrhea, a condition one third of survey respondents noted having experienced.

Finding solutions

The gut microbiome may seem complex, but the solution is anything but. Probiotics are live microorganisms that help facilitate the growth of healthy gut bacteria, balancing intestinal flora. While the same survey showed a majority of respondents knewof probiotics, most had little to no idea what they actually were and how they help. The type of probiotic we use makes a difference but choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. 

Florastor All-in-1 Probiotic is the only probiotic in North America to contain Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745, a single strain probiotic yeast backed by over 65 years of research and studied in over 130 clinical trials. Florastor, a brand of Biocodex, strengthens the immune system by stimulating the release of specific compounds, creating a less welcoming environment for invasive bacteria, and promoting favourable gut flora. While many probiotics are made of bacteria themselves, and therefore susceptible to the impacts of antibiotics, S. boulardii CNCM I-745 has shown to be resistant. This means Florastor can be used alongside antibiotics, maintain effectiveness and help prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea while also reducing symptoms of acute infectious diarrhea and recurrent Clostridium Difficile Associated Diarrhea.

Gut health can be the body’s alarm system, but it can be challenging to interpret its warnings. Luckily, survey findings show that health professionals worldwide are beginning to encourage the use of probiotics, meaning a journey to a healthy gut can start with a simple conversation with your GP.

To learn more about gut health and why Florastor might be the best probiotic for you, visit

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