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Exploring Your Gut & Microbiome

Your Guide to Understanding the Microbiome 

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Knowledge about the microbiome has surged, though gaps persist. And while the public’s awareness of gut health is relatively new, Florastor probiotics have been researched for decades.

As recently as ten years ago, “gut health” wasn’t something you would hear in everyday conversation; it was mostly tucked away in medical textbooks or confined to scientific research circles. Today, there’s a growing awareness of how vital the health of our gut is to our well-being, and terms like “microbiome” and “probiotics” have become relatively commonplace.  


Gut health awareness is rising, but knowledge gaps persist

A recent study by the Biocodex Microbiota Institute showed that across 7,500 people in 11 countries, 70 per cent have heard about the human microbiome — but gaps in knowledge are still a major factor. For instance, though many people have heard of the gut microbiome, relatively few know that our skin and lungs, among other major organs, have microbiomes of their own. And not everyone who has heard of the microbiome is confident in their knowledge about it. What exactly is the microbiome, and how can you improve and maintain your gut health? 

From gut to skin, the microbiome is everywhere

The microbiome is the collection of more than 100 trillion microorganisms — bacteria, fungi, and viruses — that live in and on our bodies. Meanwhile, the term microbiota refers to the organisms themselves. These microorganisms live in our gut, on our skin, and even in places like our mouth and lungs, helping regulate everything from digestion to immune response. Some studies focus on the microbiome as a whole, while others centre specific microbiota — like the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745, which has been clinically shown to help prevent and treat diarrhea caused by antibiotics, infections, and more. 

Research on how our microbiome affects our health is still underway, and there’s a lot we don’t know — but we do know there are concrete steps everyone can take to improve their gut health.

How to feed your gut 

It probably won’t surprise you to hear that diet is a major factor in maintaining gut health. Eating a wide range of foods, especially high-fibre fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help promote the growth of beneficial bacteria. These bacteria can’t thrive on just anything—foods like broccoli, oatmeal, and blueberries (to name a few) act as “prebiotics,” or food that helps microbiota thrive.

Probiotics, or products that actually contain microbiota like beneficial bacteria and yeast, also play an important role. These can help keep your immune system strong, help to counteract the side effects of antibiotics, and even help your microbiome resist the negative effects of stress or a poor diet. There are lots of probiotics on the market, but Florastor stands out as an all-in-one product — that can be taken as a preventive or curative use — and offers unique benefits for gut health.

It’s the only probiotic that contains the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745, a unique strain that has been studied in over 130 clinical trials and researched worldwide for over 65 years. The Florastor range is suitable for a wide range of dietary preferences — it’s vegetarian, gluten-free, and non-GMO. Conveniently, it doesn’t require refrigeration and is available in various forms like powder sachets and capsules. Plus, it can be taken at any time, even alongside antibiotics. 

To learn more about how Florastor products can help support your family’s gut health, visit

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