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Asthma, Allergies & Better Breathing

How Sleep Apnea Obstructs Couples’ Sleep: Q&A With Krista London

Mediaplanet sat down with Krista London to discuss her partners’ sleep apnea, its impact on her own sleeping, and how she’s adapted.

Q&A bubble
How has your husband’s snoring impacted both your husband’s health and your sleep?

To help you better understand the level of my husband’s snoring, I want you to close your eyes and envision a train arriving to town. 

That noise… THAT’S what my husband’s snoring sounds like! 

His snoring got pretty bad a few years back. It got to the point where he always just seemed painfully exhausted. He would dose off even in the most chaotic environment! 

After our first baby was born, I couldn’t mentally handle the extra noise at night. So, my husband ended up going for a sleep study, and ended up getting a CPAP machine to treat sleep apnea! 

Now that his sleep apnea is treated, he’s much healthier and happier. And most definitely, more awake.

Despite his sleep apnea being tamed, we have gone through a “sleep divorce”. I can’t handle any level of noise at nighttime anymore. So, for the most part, we do sleep in different rooms. To many people, that sounds like an unhealthy relationship. However, us sleeping separately allows us both to sleep through the night, ensuring we both wake up rested.

And as parents, the only way to survive the chaos is to get a good night’s sleep! 

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