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Your Back to School Guide

Krista London speaks about navigating ADHD & Back to School

Welcome to our chaotic ADHD family! In our busy household of five, three of us proudly have ADHD. Surrounded by daily adventures like lost keys, spontaneous new hobbies, and the occasional forgotten appointment, laughter is our constant companion.

Back to school season is always a bustle of chaos for our family! Over my 18 years as a parent, I have learned that preparation and organization is KEY to surviving the Back-to-School chaos!

My top priority is ensuring we maintain a low-stress lifestyle and prioritize mental health above all else. Children already face immense pressure, and when you add in ADHD, it can sometimes feel like an extra dumping of stress and pressure.

As much as I cherish the freedom of summer vacation, I always recommend parents begin planning well ahead. Here are a few strategies I rely on to ensure a seamless transition back to school.

Establish a routine.

I start this routine WEEKS before back to school. We have set bedtimes, set wake up times and a structured daily routine. Routines truly are the backbone of success for children with ADHD (and adults too!).

Create a supportive environment.

I once read that children with ADHD hear 20,000 more negative messages about their behaviour than a neurotypical child does, by the age of twelve! As an adult with ADHD, I can assure you, this is painfully accurate. When my children head back to school, I make a concerted effort to choose my battles and maintain a clear boundary between school and home. Home should always be their safe haven.

Teach coping strategies.

Having learned coping strategies myself and seeing how much they can improve life, I understand how essential it is for children with ADHD to have these tools too. For our children, we use visual reminders, minimize distractions with noise-canceling headphones, practice breathing techniques, and making sure they take regular breaks. These strategies really help them stay on track and feel more at ease day to day.

And most importantly… I make sure to maintain open communication with our children’s school. Schools typically open a week or two before classes start and I have found that teachers are always willing to work together on creating a transition plan. A smooth transition helps our children settle in but also supports teachers in creating a positive learning experience for everyone involved.

This year, my oldest son is heading off to college. Transitioning to college is unfamiliar territory for us, but I am confident that we will navigate it together just fine! In our family, sticking together means we can tackle any challenge that comes our way.

Here’s to a chaos-free 2024/2025 back-to-school season!

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