COPD patients experience excess mucus and blocked airways, which negatively affects their lung health — but fortunately, there’s a specific device designed to help.
Over 1.6 million Canadians currently live with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and the lifetime risk of developing COPD is over one in four. Moreover, this number is expected to be widely underestimated, with as many as one million Canadians likely undiagnosed. Over time, hospitalizations for COPD have increased overall, from 83 hospitalizations per 100,000 people in 2006–2010 to 86 in 2011–2015. COPD is the fifth most common cause of disease death in Canada and the number one cause of hospital readmission — with a higher readmission rate than heart failure, angina, and other serious chronic diseases. It leaves some working-age people too sick to work and costs billions of dollars a year nationally in medical bills and lost productivity. Therefore, ways to manage the disease are desperately needed.
Understanding mucus in COPD

In COPD patients, damaged lung airways become swollen and obstructed. COPD impacts mucus production and clearance, which has severe consequences. Mucus clearance is important because excess mucus can significantly impact airflow, ones ability to breathe, and their lung function and health, which can lead to respiratory infections, poorer quality of life, COPD flare-ups, and hospitalizations.
A build-up of mucus can create an environment for bacterial growth and airway infection that adds to the burden of symptoms. In addition, difficulty clearing excess mucus can lead to increased cough, airway inflammation, and damage, causing a vicious cycle of excess mucus and symptoms.
A solution may be airway clearance therapy, which is a form of drug-free COPD disease management designed to help loosen and clear excess mucus from the airways of the lungs.
Understanding airway clearance therapy
One of the best methods of performing airway clearance therapy is through an apparatus called the AEROBIKA* Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) device. This easy-to-use device can help clear excess mucus in the airways and improve breathing.
For the first time in 3 years I can breathe well. I feel I have been given a miracle.
Linda, CA
The AEROBIKA* device has an award-winning mechanism that creates pulses of pressure in
the lungs when breathing into the device. These pulses of pressure can help open weak airways while also producing vibrations that thin and loosen mucus, naturally helping it to be cleared from the airways, which improves breathing.
Using this Canadian designed and developed device may empower COPD patients to breathe better and live better by reducing exacerbations.
To purchase the AEROBIKA* device, visit
Use code AEROBIKA10 for a 10% discount. Offer ends March 26, 2023.