Our body has an amazing capacity to heal itself. However, following illness, injury, or disease, our body often is in a state of “imbalance,” which prevents it from functioning optimally.
Stress can also put our body into a condition that prevents our systems from functioning at its best.
Occasional and manageable stress and anxiety are nothing to worry about; however, chronic stress and anxiety, such as chronic unpredictable stress, or episodic acute stress can have a negative impact on our physical, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing. Problems occur when we do not release these tensions regularly.
Symptoms of unresolved stress can appear in various places and depend on where we, each of us, “keep” our stress. Digestive issues, the inability to sleep (or insomnia), musculoskeletal pain, a compromised immune system, the inability to concentrate, and emotional sensitivity are only a few of the symptoms that people frequently experience. These symptoms, when persistent, can disrupt one’s day-to-day activities and quality of life.
So, when you are caught in a cycle of chronic or episodic stress what can you do?
For thousands of years, many have turned to Reflexology – a natural, non-invasive, holistic therapy mapping the whole body onto reflexes in another part of the body. Reflexology can be experienced on one’s hands, feet, ears, face as well as on other parts of the body. Through the application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology can be used to help restore and maintain the body’s natural ability to function optimally.
For each person, the application and the effect of the therapy are unique. Research has found reflexology to help decrease the experience, development, distress of nausea in children post surgery1, individuals undergoing chemotherapy2 and older adults3.
Reflexology has also been found to help improve sleep quality of older adults4, individuals undergoing chemotherapy5 and those going through menopause6.
And for those whose stress manifests as musculoskeletal pain, reflexology has been found to help improve lower back pain and fatigue7, as well as help with postoperative pain management8.
If you are experiencing physical, mental, or emotional symptoms of stress such as, brain fog, muscle tension, panic attacks, digestive issues, lack of quality sleep, etc., reflexology can help reset and rebuild your body from the inside out without the use of drugs.
To learn more about how reflexology can benefit you, or to find a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT™), visit reflexologycanada.org.