Laura Tamblyn Watts
President & CEO, CanAge
CanAge is a new seniors’ advocacy organization that educates, empowers, and mobilizes people on the issues that matter most to older Canadians.
Last March, at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a national long-term care crisis swept across the nation. Enter CanAge, a pan-Canadian, not-for-profit organization that works to tackle ageism and make Canada age-inclusive. CanAge.ca proÂvides aids for family caregivers and recommendations, tools, and practical steps to improve the lives of seniors.
As President and CEO, Laura Tamblyn Watts’ experience as a lawyer, advocate, researcher, and leading expert in the field has been called upon by multiple media outlets to discuss critical issues affecting seniors. She will soon add author to her list of accomplishments with her new book, The 3am Guide to Your Aging Parents, which comes out next year.
Tamblyn Watts’ best advice to readers on healthy aging during the pandemic? “As we get older, we don’t have the same mass vaccination opportunities as school-age children, which is why less than 10 percent of adults are fully up to date. Immunizations for flu, pneumonia, and shingles are the best preventive measures that seniors can take right now to stay healthy and out of hospital.”