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How To Give-A-Care When Someone You Know Is Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

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It can be hard to know what to do when someone you know gets breast cancer. Flowers and cards are a nice gesture, but there are more useful gifts that can actually help a person diagnosed with breast cancer get through the hard days ahead.

Look no further because Rethink Breast Cancer, a Canadian charity focused on improving the lives of historically underserved people with breast cancer, created Give-A-Care. It’s the first and only line of product that actually understands young people with breast cancer.

Created with input from people with lived experience, the products address the side effects of cancer treatment and acknowledge what people are going through – lemon candies to mask the metallic aftertaste of chemo, ginger tea to help ease nausea and so much more. The clever way the products are named also helps educate friends and family about the experience your loved one with cancer is going through.

“I got my Give-A-Care goodies from a friend from university who lives in BC. She sent it to me right after I was diagnosed. She sent lip balm, hand cream, heart candy and ginger candy. It also came with a little care booklet, which was so helpful as I was early in the process, and it provided some guidance. I was so touched that someone had thought of me and got such a relevant gift. Plus, the sayings on the items put a smile on my face,” said Katrina Durst, diagnosed with breast cancer at age 34.

Being diagnosed with breast cancer is tough at any age, but being diagnosed when you’re young makes it even harder. That’s why each Give-A-Care package sent comes with a copy of Rethink’s Care Priorities for Young Women with Breast Cancer. The booklet is full of advice and information about a young patient’s unique needs.

Young women with breast cancer have challenges and concerns that may be different than older patients. Rethink’s research showed many young women were finding out about fertility options too late, weren’t informed upfront about the realities of breast reconstruction and weren’t being connected with community resources to help with childcare, finances or relationship challenges in a timely manner.

“Our hope is that the Care Guidelines will help ensure the needs of young women with breast cancer are addressed no matter where they live in Canada,” said MJ DeCoteau, founder and executive director of Rethink Breast Cancer. “Our goal is that these Priorities will be adopted in every cancer clinic from coast to coast, but until that happens, we will educate, empower and help advocate for the unique care young women need.”

What to learn more about Give-A-Care and Rethink’s Care Priorities for Young Women with Breast Cancer? Visit

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