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Back-to-school with food allergy: tips and resources

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The new school year is soon beginning, and these tips and resources can help with your prep. Find out what you can do to support your child and others with food allergy while they’re at school.

Parents of children with food allergy

  • Read the policies on allergy management that your school district and your child’s school have in place.
  • Fill out all the necessary school paperwork, like the Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan. Download a copy at
  • Ask about anaphylaxis training sessions for the school staff and when these happen.
  • Consult with foodservice/cafeteria staff to inquire about food preparation at school.

Students with food allergy

  • Only eat food from home or food that a parent/guardian has approved; avoid sharing food, utensils, straws and containers.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before and after eating.
  • Always carry at least one epinephrine auto-injector with you so you are prepared to quickly treat a reaction if it happens.  
  • Tell an adult when you don’t feel well.

Get the complete checklist for parents and students at

Support others with food allergy

  • Ask questions to learn about the food(s) to which they are allergic and need to be avoided.
  • Read food labels to understand the ingredients, be sure to read the ingredient list from beginning to end, along with any “Contains” and “May contain” statements.
  • Be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis.
  • Know that an epinephrine auto-injector is needed to treat anaphylaxis and get help as needed.

Help educators prepare

  • Inform them of our “All about food allergy” student program at that can be downloaded for free. It’s a medically-reviewed and curriculum-linked program that will help develop the knowledge and skills students need to support the health and well-being of self and others.
  • Let them know about our free online course Anaphylaxis in Schools at By taking the course, they’ll learn the basics of anaphylaxis, ways to reduce risks in a school setting, and the recommended emergency treatment.
  • Share information about our Anaphylaxis in Child Care Settings online course with child care providers operating in your school.

With food allergy, both self-management and community support are needed to help prevent allergic reactions, in schools and other settings.

Discover how epinephrine works

Watch our “What is food allergy” and “What is anaphylaxis” videos at, and share them with others. In these short videos, a leading Canadian allergist explains the science behind what happens to your body when you have a food allergy and when experiencing anaphylaxis, including how epinephrine works to treat a reaction and why it’s important to use it promptly for best outcomes.

Find more tips and resources for this school year at

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