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Your Back to School Guide

Helping teens be digitally savvy for post-secondary

As many teens embark on their post-secondary journey, it is important to consider the increase in freedom youth are given, not only in their day-to-day lives but their online lives too. The transition to post-secondary education can sometimes be difficult, with new challenges coming up related to online relationships, managing money and dealing with stress.

MediaSmarts, a Canadian charitable organization dedicated to digital media literacy, recommends sharing the following tips with teens leaving high school:

Let’s talk about money

Protecting your money:

If you just moved out, you might be paying bills, buying products and services and banking for the first time. Here are some steps to protect your money:

  • Don’t shop or do banking on unsecure public networks (i.e. password not required) as they make it super-easy for hackers to get your information.
  • Only shop on websites that have an address starting with “https” and a lock icon in the address bar. This way the data you send and receive is encrypted, which makes it harder for your information to be stolen.
  • Do all your online shopping with a credit card as credit card companies limit how much money you can lose if someone gets your information.

Scams and identity theft:

One of the most common ways people get scammed is through email and texts. Watch out for messages asking for money or personal information or asking you to click a link. Identity theft is another thing to watch out for. It can range from someone pretending to be you on social media to using your credit card and/or bank account. Tips to avoid identity theft include:

  • Use unique passwords for all your different accounts.
  • Set up two-factor authentication so that a password isn’t enough to log in.
  • Update your browser when you’re prompted to.

Navigating online relationships


Early post-secondary weeks can be intense, especially when forming friendships. Living in a residence means spending lots of time with people, which can lead to drama and exclusion -and possibly cyberbullying. Here are some tips:

  • Take it offline:
    • Don’t text your friends during fights; studies show that texting about a disagreement makes the situation worse and heightens your emotions.
    • One of the most effective ways of dealing with bullying – online or offline – is to comfort the person being bullied in private.

Online relationships:

A lot of your dating life might happen online, and it’s important to know how to navigate these situations. Tips for online dating include:

  • When using a dating website, use one that has encryption.
  • Create a new email address and don’t link the address to any of your existing email accounts.
  • Read the website/app’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to make sure that all your data will be deleted after you close your account.
  • Check out your privacy settings to make sure you’re sharing only the information you want.
  • Don’t share personal information or photos until you’re comfortable with it.
  • If you decide to meet someone, have your first date in a public place and tell a friend or family member about the meet up.
  • Trust your instincts, always!

Taking care of yourself

Managing digital devices is crucial for mental and physical health. Overcoming the ‘fear of missing out’ involves mindful use. Here are ways to prioritize digital well-being:

  • Be where you are, when you are. When you’re doing something fun, enjoy it. Don’t worry about posting it on social media.
  • Accept that you can’t be there for everything – even virtually.
  • When you’re not using your devices, turn off your notifications.
  • Log out of all your social networks and turn your phone off at bedtime.
  • Schedule time when you’re awake for not using social media.

For more tips check out On The Loose: A Guide to Life Online For Post-Secondary Students.

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