Debbie Franchuk, RN
Co-Owner, Home Instead, Calgary
The COVID-19 pandemic has upped the emotional and physical demands placed on family caregivers. The demands have dramatically increased as caregivers balance work, learning with children, and personal needs with their caregiving duties. Here are a few tips for working family caregivers seeking balance:
Be realistic.
While you may have the best intentions for trying to do it all, it’s important to consider what’s manageable for you. Your needs are an important part of this picture.
Talk with your employer.
Be transparent with your workplace about your situation. By opening the door to a difficult discussion, you may discover you’re not the only one at your company caring for an aging loved one.
Prioritize self-care.
A quick walk around the block or a 30-minute music break can make all the difference. By tending to your own needs, you can create an environment that’s healthy and rewarding for everyone.
Discuss a backup plan.
Assemble important documents such as your loved one’s power of attorney, health care proxy, and bank information. Keep a record of emergency contacts to help reduce the stress of decision-making under pressure.
Ask for help.
Using resources or respite services doesn’t mean you’ve failed. In fact, asking for help can often be a gift to both yourself and your loved one.