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Home » Advocacy » 217 Reasons to Say Thank You

It takes an exceptional team to maintain a 99% patient satisfaction rate. We’re proud we have one of those teams.

Every day across the country, the 217 members of our pharmacy team open the doors of BioScript Pharmacies and make sure patients have access to the specialty drugs they need.

Serving as trusted advisors, ans­wering patients’ questions, and helping clear away the worry and confusion that often surround complex drug therapies, they take the time to truly get to know our patients — acting as their advocates and champions. More importantly, they make our aspiration to “put patients first” a reality.

During Pharmacist Awareness Month, we’d like to take the opportunity to say thank you.

Supporting patients with chronic illnesses is what we do. You make us what we are.

Taking a chance on a non-traditional pharmacy

When we started out in 2009, the concept of a pharmacy dedicated to specialty drugs was a novel idea in Canada. It was also much needed, judging by how quickly our network grew. Growth is challenging for any business, but to grow and not compromise on delivering high-touch, personalized care would have been impossible without a loyal, hard-working team driven by shared values.

We’re grateful to have attracted skilled people like you who have been willing to devote their careers to a different kind of pharmacy — and to being a different kind of pharmacist.

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Creating a culture of care

Beyond simply dispensing medications, our pharmacy teams look at the patient from a holistic perspective, coordinating care with family doctors, specialists, nurses, and other health care providers throughout the entire treatment journey. By going above and beyond, all of you have contributed to our consistently high levels of patient satisfaction — no small feat considering we serve tens of thousands of patients every year.

The diverse backgrounds, ideas, and experiences that our pharmacy team members bring to their work at BioScript inspire our ongoing innovation in patient-centred care. Individually, you each contribute to a culture that’s open, communicative, and truly patient-driven. Supporting patients with chronic illnesses is what we do. You make us what we are.

Just getting started

Our first decade has been a journey — one that has seen us grow from a single New Brunswick pharmacy into a nationwide network. We thank you for choosing to be a part of that journey, and are grateful to have you on board as we continue our work of simplifying patients’ access to specialty care. 

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